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Publications in review / in revision
- Feldman, E.V. and K.M. Kettenring. In revision. Promoting biotic resistance in seed-based wetland restoration under hydrologic extremes. Wetlands.
- Jacobson, S., Brooks, H., Baldwin, A., McCormick, M.K., Buehl, E., Kettenring, K.M., Whigham, D.F. In review. Tidal flooding effects on restoration plantings: a marsh organ Experiment.
- Reinhardt Adams, C., S. Hovick, and K.M. Kettenring. In review. Integrating the disconnected: Enhancing wetland restoration by uniting invasive species management and native revegetation. Restoration Ecology.
- Sinnott, K. and K.M. Kettenring. In review. Restoration techniques to enhance aquatic plant establishment and project scalability in wetlands. Restoration Ecology.
2025 publications
- Houde, M. and K.M. Kettenring. 2025. Effects of revegetation approaches on wetland plant community reassembly under hydrologic extremes. Wetlands Ecology and Management 33(11).
2024 publications
- Brooks, H., S. Jacobson, A. Baldwin, M. McCormick, K.M. Kettenring, E. Buehl, D. Whigham. 2024. Long-term periodic management of Phragmites australis maintains native tidal wetland plant communities. Wetlands Ecology & Management 32: 409-421.
- Feldman, E.V., T.E. Walsworth, and K.M. Kettenring. 2024. Native species identity drives plant community growth and biotic resistance. Applied Vegetation Science 27(3): e12808.
- Henry, A.L., R. Robinson, K. Sinnott, M. Brunson, A. Ernst, and K.M. Kettenring. 2024. Got plants? Availability of and challenges to production of native plants for wetland restoration. Restoration Ecology e14120.
- Henry, A.L., R. Robinson, K. Sinnott, E. Tarsa, M. Brunson, and K.M. Kettenring. 2024. Lay of the (wet)land: Manager practices and challenges in wetland revegetation. Restoration Ecology 32(5) e14167.
- Houde, M., S.E. Johnston, and K.M. Kettenring. 2024. Seed mix performance with environmental stressors and invasion: implications for wetland restoration. Wetlands.
- Leger, E.A., A.C. Agneray, O.W. Baughman, E.C. Brummer, T.E. Erickson, K.M. Hufford, K.M. Kettenring. 2024. Integrating evolutionary potential and ecological function into agricultural seed production to meet demands for the decade of restoration. Restoration Ecology e13543.
- Robinson, R., L. Beck, and K.M. Kettenring. 2024. The effects of native seed mix composition and sowing density on plant community reassembly in wetlands. Ecosphere 15(5) e4829 .
- Robinson, R., M. Houde, E.V. Feldman, S.R. Kurkowski, N.M. Crawford, S. Aristizabal, and K.M. Kettenring. 2024. Native wetland plant seed collection and cleaning guide for the Intermountain West. USU Extension.
- Robinson, R., S.E. Johnston, E. Feldman, M. Houde, S.R. Kurkowski, A. Mast, J.V. Braun, and K.M. Kettenring. 2024. Seed viability testing guide for common wetland plant species. USU Extension.
- Rohal, C.B., B. Duncan, J. Follstad Shah, K.E. Veblen, and K.M. Kettenring. 2024. Targeted grazing reduces a widespread wetland invader with minimal nutrient impacts, yet native community recovery is limited. Journal of Environmental Management, 362: 121168.
2023 publications
- Byun, C., K.M. Kettenring, E.E. Tarsa, and S. de Blois. 2023. Appling ecological principles to maximize resistance to invasion in restored plant communities. Ecological Engineering, 190: 106926.
- Hagani, J.S., J.Y. Takekawa, S.C. Chappell, R.L. Tanner, A.R. Ernst, K.M. Kettenring. 2023. A remote sensing approach to assess the historical invasion of Phragmites australis in a brackish coastal marsh. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
- Hovick, S.M., C. Reinhardt Adams, N.O. Anderson, and K.M. Kettenring. 2023. Progress on mechanisms and impacts of wetland plant invasions: a 20-year retrospective analysis and priorities for the next 20. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 42:4, 239-282, DOI: 10.1080/07352689.2023.2233232
- Rohal, C.B., E.L.G. Hazelton, E. McFarland, R. Downard, M. McCormick, D. Whigham, K.M. Kettenring. 2023. Landscape and site factors drive invasive Phragmites management and native plant recovery across Chesapeake Bay wetlands. Ecosphere e4392
- Sinnott, K., and K.M. Kettenring. 2023. Floating and submerged plants of Utah: pocket field guide. USU Extension
- Sloey, T., V. Ellis, K.M. Kettenring. 2023. Using plant functional traits to inform wetland restoration. Wetlands 43, 92.
- Welsh, Lisa W., Endter-Wada, Joanna, Kettenring, Karin M., and McEntire, Anna, "Future of Great Salt Lake Survey" 2023. Janet Quinney Lawson Institute of Land Water and Air. A 2023 USU Research Report. Utah State University, Logan, Utah.
- Welsh, Lisa W., Endter-Wada, Joanna, and Kettenring, Karin M., "Strategies to Secure Water for Great Salt Lake: Public Support and Survey Results" 2023. The Water Report, Issue #237:8-21. Published at Available with permission through Utah State University Digital Commons at:
2022 publications
- Hammill, E., M. Pendleton, J. Brahney, K.M. Kettenring, T.B. Atwood. 2022. Metal concentrations in wetland plant tissues influences transfer to terrestrial ecosystems. Ecotoxicology 31(5): 1-10.
- Tarsa, E.E., B. Holdaway, and K.M. Kettenring. 2022. Tipping the balance: the role of seed density, abiotic filters, and priority effects in seed-based wetland restoration. Ecological Applications, 32(8) e2706 .
- Tarsa, E.E., R. Robinson, C. Hebert, D. England, K. Hambrecht, C. Cranney, and K.M. Kettenring. 2022. Seeding the way: a guide to restoring native plants in Great Salt Lake wetlands. USU Extension.
2021 publications
- Adams, S.M. Hovick, N.O. Anderson, and K.M. Kettenring. 2021. We Can Better Manage Ecosystems by Connecting Solutions to Constraints: Learning from Wetland Plant Invasions. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:715350.
- Draper, J.P., T.B. Atwood, N.G. Beckman, K.M. Kettenring, and J.K. Young. 2021. Mesopredator frugivory has no effect on seed viability and emergence under experimental conditions. Ecosphere, 12(8): e03702.
- Leonard, E.E., A. Mast, C. Hawkins, and K.M. Kettenring. 2021. Arthropod assemblages in invasive and native vegetation of Great Salt Lake wetlands. Wetlands 41(5): 1-17.
- Rohal, C.B., C. Reinhardt Adams, L. Reynolds, E.L.G. Hazelton, and K.M. Kettenring. 2021. Do common assumptions about the wetland seed bank following invasive plant removal hold true? Divergent outcomes following multi-year Phragmites australis management. Applied Vegetation Science 24(4), e12626.
- Sima, S., D.E. Rosenberg, S.E. Null, W. Wurtsbaugh, and K.M. Kettenring. 2021. Managing Lake Urmia, Iran for diverse restoration objectives: moving beyond a uniform target lake level. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 35, 100812.
2020 publications
- Endter-Wada, J., K.M. Kettenring, and A. Sutton-Grier. 2020. Protecting wetlands for people: strategic policy action can help wetlands mitigate risk and enhance resilience. Environmental Science & Policy, 108: 37-44.
- Kettenring, K.M., C. Cranney, R. Downard, K. Hambrecht, E.E. Tarsa, D. Menuz, and C.B. Rohal. 2020. Invasive plants of Great Salt Lake wetlands: what, where, how, and why? in B. Baxter and J. Butler (eds.) Great Salt Lake: biology of a terminal lake in the age of change. Springer.
- Kettenring, K.M. and E.E. Tarsa. 2020. Need to seed? Ecological, genetic, and evolutionary keys to seed-based wetland restoration. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8 (109): 1-30 .
- McCormick, M.K., D.F. Whigham, J.R. Stapp, E.L.G. Hazelton, E.K. McFarland, and K.M. Kettenring. 2020. Shoreline modification affects recruitment of invasive Phragmites australis. Wetland Ecology & Management, 28, 909-919.
- Pendleton, M.C., S. Sedgwick, K.M. Kettenring, T.B. Atwood. 2020. Ecosystem functioning of Great Salt Lake wetlands. Wetlands, 40(6): 2163-2177.
- Triplett, L.D., K.M. Kettenring, M. Tal, and Z. Wagner. 2020. Invasion of a widespread, non-native grass causes downstream reductions in bioavailable silica. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 56(5) 810-819.
- Young, S., and K.M. Kettenring. 2020. The social-ecological system driving effect invasive plant management: two case studies of non-native Phragmites. Journal of Environmental Management, 267: 110612.
2019 publications
- Kiviat, E., L.A. Meyerson, T.J. Mozdzer, W.J. Allen, A.H. Baldwin, G.P. Bhattarai, H. Brix, J.S. Caplan, K.M. Kettenring, C. Lambertini, P. Pysek, J. Weis, D. Whigham, J.T. Cronin. 2019. Evidence does not support the targeting of cryptic invaders at the subspecies level using classical biological control. Biological Invasions, 21: 2529-2541.
- Kettenring, K.M., D.R. Menuz, and K.E. Mock. 2019. The nativity and distribution of the cryptic invader Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass) in riparian areas of the Columbia and Missouri River Basins. Wetlands, 39: 55-66.
- Kettenring, K.M., B.N. Mossman, R. Downard, and K.E. Mock. 2019. Fine-scale genetic diversity and landscape-scale genetic structuring in three foundational bulrush species: implications for wetland revegetation. Restoration Ecology, 7: 408-420.
- Rohal, C, C. Cranney, and K.M. Kettenring. 2019. Abiotic and landscape factors constrain restoration outcomes across spatial scales of a widespread invasive plant. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 1-17.
- Rohal, C., C. Cranney, E. Hazelton, and K.M. Kettenring. 2019 Invasive Phragmites australis management outcomes and native plant recovery are context dependent. Ecology & Evolution, 9: 13835-13849.
- Rosenberg, D., K.M. Kettenring, and A.R. Diekema. 2019. Everybody's publishing but me! How a writing group can help actualize your publishing dreams. College & Research Libraries News, 80: 138-142.
- Duncan, B.L., R. Hansen, C. Cranney, J. Follstad Shah, K. Veblen, and K.M. Kettenring. 2019. Cattle grazing for invasive Phragmites australis (common reed) management in northern Utah wetlands. USU Extension.
2018 publications
- Endter-Wada, J., K.M. Kettenring, and A. Sutton-Grier. 2018. Editorial: Sustaining wetlands to mitigate disasters and protect people. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16: 431.
- Espeland, E.K. and K. M. Kettenring. 2018. Strategic plant choices can alleviate climate change impacts. Journal of Environmental Management, 222: 316-324.
- Gaines Crockett, E., J.E. Marty, K.M. Kettenring, and N. Nadkarni. 2018. Jail inmates as scientists: Providing hands-on opportunities to contribute to ecological research. Corrections Today 4: 41-45.
- Hazelton, E.L.G., R. Downard, K.M. Kettenring, M.K. McCormick, and D.F. Whigham. 2018. Spatial and temporal variation in brackish marsh seedbanks: implications for wetland restoration following Phragmites control. Estuaries and Coasts, 41: 68-84.
- Kettenring, K.M., and D.F. Whigham. 2018. The role of propagule type, resource availability, and seed source in Phragmites invasion in Chesapeake Bay wetlands. Wetlands, 38: 1259-1268.
- Rohal, C.B., K.M. Kettenring, K. Sims, E.L.G. Hazelton, and Z. Ma. 2018. Surveying managers to inform a regionally relevant invasive Phragmites australis research program. Journal of Environmental Management, 206: 807-816.
2017 publications
- Downard, R., M. Frank, J. Perkins, K. Kettenring, and M. Larese-Casanova. 2017. Wetland plants of the Great Salt Lake: A guide to identification, communities, and bird habitat. USU Extension.
- Duncan, J., R. Rozum, J. Powell, and K.M. Kettenring. 2017. Multi-scale methods predict invasion speeds in variable landscapes. Case study: Phragmites australis. Theoretical Ecology, 10: 287-303.
- Eller, F., H. Skálová, J.S. Caplan, G.P. Bhattarai, M.K. Burger, J.T. Cronin, W-Y. Guo, X. Guo, E.L.G. Hazelton, K.M. Kettenring, C. Lambertini, M.K. McCormick, L.A. Meyerson, T.J. Mozdzer, P. Pyšek, B.K. Sorrell, D.F. Whigham, H. Brix. 2017. Cosmopolitan species as ecophysiological models for responses to global change: the common reed Phragmites australis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: article 1833.
- Espeland, E., N. Emery, K. Mercer, S. Woolbright, K.M. Kettenring, P. Gepts, J. Etterson. 2017. Evolution of plant materials for restoration: Insights from the applied and basic literature. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54: 102-115.
- Long, A.L., K.M. Kettenring, and C.P. Hawkins, and C.M.U. Neale. 2017. Distribution and drivers of a widespread, invasive wetland grass, Phragmites australis, in wetlands of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Wetlands, 37: 45-57.
- Long, A.L., K.M. Kettenring, and R. Toth. 2017. Prioritizing management of the invasive grass common reed (Phragmites australis) in Great Salt Lake wetlands. Invasive Plant Science & Management, 10: 155-165.
- Marty, J.E., and K.M. Kettenring. 2017. Seed dormancy break and germination of three globally important wetland bulrushes: Guidance for restoration of Bolboschoenus maritimus, Schoenoplectus acutus, and S. americanus. Ecological Restoration, 35: 138-147.
- Rohal, C., K. Hambrecht, C. Cranney, and K. Kettenring. 2017. How to restore Phragmites-invaded wetlands. Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 224, Logan, UT. 2pp.
- Rohal, C., K. Kettenring, R. Downard, and M. Larese-Casanova. 2017. Soils of Great Salt Lake wetlands: Hydric indicators and common features. USU Extension.
2016 publications
- Alminagorta, O., D.E. Rosenberg, K.M. Kettenring. 2016. Systems modeling to improve the hydroecological performance of diked wetlands. Water Resources Research, 52: 7070-7085.
- Frank, M., J. Marty, C. Rohal, R. Downard, J. Endter-Wada, K.M. Kettenring, and M. Larese-Casanova. 2016. Water rights for wetlands in the Bear River Delta. USU Extension.
- Kettenring, K.M. 2016. Viability, dormancy, germination, and intraspecific variation of Bolboschoenus maritimus (alkali bulrush) seeds. Aquatic Botany, 134: 26-30.
- Kettenring, K.M., K.E. Mock, B. Zaman, and M. McKee. 2016. Life on the edge: reproductive mode and rate of invasive Phragmites australis patch expansion. Biological Invasions, 18: 2475-2495.
2015 publications
- Hazelton, E.L.G., M.K McCormick, M. Sievers, K.M. Kettenring, and D.F. Whigham. 2015. Stand age is associated with clonal diversity, but not vigor, community structure, or insect herbivory in Chesapeake Bay Phragmites australis. Wetlands, 35: 877-888.
- Kettenring, K.M., D.F. Whigham, E.L.G. Hazelton, S.K. Gallagher, and H.M. Baron. 2015. Biotic resistance, disturbance, and mode of colonization impact the invasion of a widespread, introduced wetland grass. Ecological Applications, 25: 466-480.
- Laine, C.M., K.M. Kettenring, and B.B. Roper. 2015. An assessment of response metrics to measure seasonal variation and grazing effects on riparian plant communities. Western North American Naturalist, 75: 102-114.
- Menuz, D.R., K.M. Kettenring, C. Hawkins, and R. Cutler. 2015. Non-equilibrium in plant distribution models - only an issue for introduced or dispersal limited species? Ecography, 38: 231-240.
2014 publications
- Downard, R., J. Endter-Wada, and K.M. Kettenring. 2014. Adaptive wetland management in an uncertain and changing arid environment. Ecology and Society, 19(2): 23.
- Hazelton, E.L.G., T. Mozdzer, D. Burdick, D.F. Whigham, and K.M. Kettenring. 2014. Phragmites australis management in the Unites States: 40 years of methods and outcomes. AoB Plants, plu001. *Selected as "Editor's Choice".
- Kettenring, K.M., K.L. Mercer, C. Reinhardt Adams, and J. Hines. 2014. Application of genetic diversity-ecosystem function research to ecological restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51: 339-348. *Selected as "Editor's Choice" (Dr. Brian Wilsey, Associate Editor, essay).
- Santos Vanderlinder, M.E.L., C.M.U. Neale, D.E. Rosenberg, and K.M. Kettenring. 2014. Use of remote sensing to assess changes in wetland plant communities over an 18-year period – a case study from the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Great Salt Lake, UT. Western North American Naturalist, 74: 33-46.
- Triplett, L.D., K.M. Kettenring, M. Tal, and C. Smith. 2014. The potential for multiple signatures of invasive species in the geologic record. Anthropocene, 5: 59-64.
2013 publications
- Laine, C.M., K.M. Kettenring, and B.B. Roper. 2013. An assessment of permanent and nonpermanent plots in riparian vegetation monitoring. Western North American Naturalist, 73(3): 337-346.
- Menuz, D.R. and K.M. Kettenring. 2013. The importance of roads, nutrients, and climate for invasive plant establishment in riparian areas in the northwestern United States. Biological Invasions, 15: 1601-1612.
- Sweetman, A.C., K.M. Kettenring, and K.E. Mock. 2013. The pattern and structure of genetic diversity of Schoenoplectus maritimus: implications for wetland revegetation. Aquatic Botany, 104: 47-54.
- Welsh, L., J. Endter-Wada, R. Downard, and K.M. Kettenring. 2013. Developing adaptive capacity to droughts: the rationality of locality. Ecology and Society, 18: 7.
2012 publications
- Kettenring, K.M., S. de Blois, and D.P. Hauber. 2012. Moving from a regional to a continental perspective of Phragmites australis invasion in North America. AoB Plants, 1-18. *Selected as "Editor's Choice".
- Kettenring, K.M. and K.E. Mock. 2012. Genetic diversity, reproductive mode, and dispersal differ between the cryptic invader, Phragmites australis, and its native conspecific. Biological Invasions, 14: 2489-2504.
2011 publications
- Kettenring, K.M., M.K. McCormick, H.M. Baron, and D.F. Whigham. 2011. Mechanisms of Phragmites australis invasion: feedbacks among genetic diversity, nutrients, and sexual reproduction. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 1305-1313.
- Kettenring, K.M. and C. Reinhardt Adams. 2011. Lessons learned from invasive plant control experiments: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 970-979.
- Kettenring, K.M., and S.M. Galatowitsch. 2011. Carex seedling emergence in restored and natural prairie wetlands. Wetlands 31: 273-281.
- Kettenring, K.M., and S.M. Galatowitsch. 2011. Seed rain of restored and natural prairie wetlands. Wetlands 31: 283-294.
2010 publications
- Baldwin, A.H., K.M. Kettenring and D.F. Whigham. 2010. Seed banks of Phragmites australis-dominated brackish wetlands: relationships to seed viability, inundation, and land cover. Aquatic Botany 93: 163-169.
- Kettenring, K.M., M.K. McCormick, H.M. Baron, and D.F. Whigham. 2010. Phragmites australis (common reed) invasion in the Rhode River subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay: disentangling the effects of foliar nutrients, genetic diversity, patch size, and seed viability. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 118-126.
- McCormick, M.K., K.M. Kettenring, H.M. Baron, D.F. Whigham. 2010. Extent and reproductive mechanisms of Phragmites australis spread in brackish wetlands in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland (USA). Wetlands 30: 67-74.
- McCormick, M.K., K.M. Kettenring, H.M. Baron, D.F. Whigham. 2010. Spread of invasive Phragmites australis in estuaries with differing degrees of development: genetic patterns, Allee effects and interpretation. Journal of Ecology 98: 1369-1378.
2009 publications
- Kettenring, K.M., C.W.Weekley, and E.S. Menges. 2009. Herbivory delays flowering and reduces fecundity of Liatris ohlingerae (S.F. Blake) B.L. Rob., an endangered, endemic plant of the Florida scrub. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 136: 350-362.
- Kettenring, K.M. and D.F. Whigham. 2009. Seed viability and seed dormancy of Phragmites australis in suburbanized and forested watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay, USA. Aquatic Botany 91:199-204.
- Hipp, A.L., K.M. Kettenring, K.A. Feldheim, and J.A. Weber. 2009. Isolation of 11 polymorphic tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in a North American sedge (Carex scoparia: Cyperaceae) and cross-species amplification in three additional Carex species. Molecular Ecology Resources 9(2):625-627.
2007 publications
- Kettenring, K.M., and S.M. Galatowitsch. 2007. Temperature requirements for dormancy break and seed germination vary greatly among 14 wetlandCarex species. Aquatic Botany 87:209-220.
- Kettenring, K.M., and S.M. Galatowitsch. 2007. Tools for Carex revegetation in prairie pothole wetlands: understanding dormancy loss and germination temperature requirements. Plant Ecology 193:157-169.
2006 publications
- Kettenring, K.M., G.M. Gardner, and S.M. Galatowitsch. 2006. Effect of light on seed germination of eight wetland Carex species. Annals of Botany 98:869-874.
- Kettenring, K.M., B.T. Martinez, A.M. Starfield, and W.M. Getz. 2006. Good practices for sharing ecological models. BioScience 56:59-64.